September 22, 2022
Clickable Table of Contents
Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:00am
in person or on ZoomFacebook.
Thoughts from Pastor Sarah
Dear Kindred in Christ, 
Time is a tricky thing.  At this moment of the autumnal equinox, a day after my 20th wedding anniversary, I'm thinking about time, its passage, its movement, its pressures, its gifts... We are blessedly back to our most familiar and comfortable 10 am worship time now, but a second summer experiment of 9am worship still hangs over us, regret or frustration about services missed because they were too early or there was confusion, fogginess about just when it is that St. A's gathers now.  We are sorry for any hard feelings or confusion that this change produced.  If you wish to process any of these feelings, or retain any confusion, I am willing to listen. As I shared recently, the Session is aware and has decided to try to hold our worship time at 10am all year long in 2023, shifting to outdoor worship for the summer.  Thanks to those who helped us experiment with this on Labor Day weekend.  I think we'll enjoy a lovely summer of outdoor worship at our most comfortable and familiar time next year.  
Communication is tricky thing too.  Though we do our best to announce changes and opportunities in bold text, highlighted boxes, on the church sign and website and voicemail, in spoken announcements and printed media... sometimes we miss a spot or a webpage isn't refreshed and old news persists or there's so much news to share that certain details get overlooked or there are mysteries of the internet that cause e-mails to disappear en route to sender.  For our oversights or errors in communication, we are sorry.  I want to remind you that if you think the e-news never changes, this is incorrect.  Also, if you don't want to read the whole e-news, this is normal.  This is why we have a table of contents at the top that is clickable-- you can jump to just what you want to read by clicking on the button.  It is also why we put "new news and announcements" near the top of the e-news (after my letter where I try to highlight whatever is most pressing).  If you only ever read two things in the e-news- aim for my letter and skim through the new news and announcements.  Also, we gather all links to on-line gatherings in "Virtual Gatherings and Events"- so you can click that button at the top of the news to get Zoom links for coffee chat, worship, educational forums, etc.  Usually those links are elsewhere in the e-news, but that's an easy place to go and click your way into a gathering of your choice with minimal reading involved.  If you have other questions about the layout of the e-news or other communication tools, please reach out to me.  We know we can always improve and we want to serve you well.  
All this said, I want to thank all of you who read and respond and show up and give feedback and serve and worship and GIVE.  After I shared last week that we had received over $4,000 for graffiti removal and clean up and that we were well on our way to meeting our deductible, $3,000 more came in over the next few days.  And I didn't even ask!  I just thanked and celebrated.  We are still trying to get the professional graffiti remover into the building to start work, but in the meantime Steve Ihrig has used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to clean the sanctuary walls.  So progress is being made.  If we find effective ways to remove other graffiti ourselves we'll arrange a work party so the many who want to help can do so. 
In other news, your Session met last week and agreed to hold a special congregational meeting for two purposes- 1) to elect John Calhoun to session, 2) to gather feedback on our mission commitments.  We had intended to hold this meeting this coming Sunday, but I neglected to announce it last Sunday so we are going to hold it on Sunday, October 2 at the end of worship.  
The Session also approved an application for a peacemaking grant from the Presbytery to fund the workshop that we are hosting in October with gifted adult educator Eileen Mejia. The Presbytery has funds to distribute because of the annual Peace and Global Witness offering that is received and dedicated every year on the first Sunday in October, World Communion Sunday.  Every congregation that takes up this offering keeps 25% of the receipts for their own peacemaking efforts, gives 25% to the Presbytery to generate a larger fund for regional peacemaking efforts, and sends 50% to the denomination to support national and international peacemaking and global witness.  We intend to use this year's 25% that we keep to support the Compassionate Community Workshop as well.  Please give generously to the Peace and Global Witness offering.  You can do so on Kindrid or making out a check to St. Andrew's and writing "Peace and Global Witness" on the memo line.  
And if you haven't done so already, please let Katy or me know if you will participate in the workshop on October 14 and 15.  I know that we at St. Andrew's are committed to growing in our capacity to connect across difference and build compassionate community.  This workshop will be an outstanding opportunity to move towards those goals.  
I hope to share time with and be able to communicate directly with all of you. If you want a visit, please let me know.  If you want a call, please let me know.  If you know of someone who needs a visit or a call, please let me know.  And... join us on Sundays, in whatever way is safest for you, but hopefully more and more often in person.  We need community.  And we are a beautiful community. Let's keep connecting with Christ and each other to serve our neighbors.  
I'm blessed to be your pastor.
Peace be with you all, Pastor Sarah
Mask-wearing is now STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, not required during worship. The Session voted unanimously to require vaccination for those attending in-person worship and other St. Andrew's events, with possibility of medical exemption. The COVID task force decided that we will implement this policy via the honor system.  We trust the congregation to abide by the vaccination policy and will not require proof. 
September 25
Exodus 1:8-22; Matthew 5:11-12
October 2
Exodus 14:5-7, 10-14, 21-29; Matthew 2:13-15
Read these passages online here
New News & Announcements
Sunday, October 2, 2022
at the end of worship
for two purposes
1) to elect John Calhoun to Session
2) to gather brief feedback on current mission commitments


If you have been curious about what’s happening with St. Andrew’s Mission, or wondering what all those boxes and supplies stacked high in the chapel are all about, come join us on Saturday September 24 from 10am-noon for a work party to finish the St. Andrew’s Mission Hub cabinet installation. Have a snack, share your ideas and learn what St. Andrew’s is doing to connect with each other and our neighbors in the community.


*See the article below in Mission Updates about our new cabinets!*
On the fourth Saturday of every month we gather on Zoom at 1:00pm to discuss the Enneagram-- a system for understanding human personality and relationships. Our September discussion will focus on Type 8-- The Challenger.  I encourage those interested in joining us to find an hour to watch this video from last year's Enneagram and Coffee summit. Participants are also encouraged to review other literature or web information about Type 8.  Make note of what you observe/learn and join us Saturday, September 24 at 1:00pm on Zoom to discuss what you learned and are left wondering after viewing the panel and/or reading. All are welcome to join us on this journey of deeper self-understanding.  
We are hoping to renew our choral ministries in Advent this year. If you would like to give choir a try, or have musical gifts you'd be willing to share - perhaps a solo, or singing in a small ensemble, or an instrumental piece - please let Don Feely or Pastor Sarah know so we can assess the resources at our disposal. We'd love to diversify the music in our Sunday worship. In the meantime, Don has arranged special musical guests for each month this fall. This Sunday, September 25, we welcome our first guest, Jordan Paulus, a french horn player who graduated from George Fox University and performs with the Portland Wind Symphony. He is also a frequent guest musician for metro area orchestras and teaches band in the Canby School District with Don Feely. Be sure to mark your calendar for future performances:
October 30, Nick Luchterhand, saxophone
November 27, Dagny Regan, oboe
December 11, the Canby Cantalinas
We are so grateful to have shared our candlelight vigil with Congregation Neveh Shalom, in spite of the circumstances that brought us together. The Congregation Neveh Shalom Sisterhood now invites the women of St. Andrew's to join them for their monthly interfaith BIPOC meetings. The meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:30pm on Zoom. If you are interested in joining them for a time of sharing, learning, making friends, and making a difference, contact CNS Sisterhood President Michelle Iimori-Goldenberg. They look forward to getting to know us all better.
*Note* - The October meeting will be held on a different day from their regular schedule due to Yom Kippur.
Every year we participate in four special offerings of our national church.  On the first Sunday of October, World Communion Sunday, we receive the Peace and Global Witness offering. 25% of the funds we collect for this offering stay with us to support our own peacemaking ministries.  This year they will help to support the Compassionate Community workshop we are planning to host.  25% go to our Presbytery and grants are distributed to congregations and missions throughout our region that advance the cause of peace.  And 50% goes to our national church to support myriad national and global peacemaking ministries. The deepest prayer of our hearts is for peace.  May we enact our prayers with generosity with this annual special offering.


The Matsiko World Orphan Choir is coming to St. Andrews on October 4th! The choir is part of the International Children's Network which provides educational and financial support opportunities for children in vulnerable circumstances. The Matsiko World Orphan Choir has performed in prestigious venues and in many churches across the United States in order to raise awareness, funds, and sponsorships for children to achieve their goals. For more information visit the Matsiko website.


We are in need of two volunteers to heat and help serve a pre-prepared dinner to our guests before the concert. There will also be some cleanup after dinner. Please contact Becky Schiefelbein or the office if you'd like to help.

We are excited to hold our Blessing of the Animals service on October 9, the first one since 2019! We invite you to bring your cherished pet (well-trained and well-drained, on a leash or in a carrier) to be blessed during worship, or something that will help us honor a pet that has passed since the last time. Pet and people treats will be available after.

Do you LOVE children? Then VHFLC wants YOU! We are seeking both volunteers and employees to join us at our St. Andrews preschool. We have full-time and part-time positions with flexible hours available. The only pre-requisite is that you love children. If you or someone you know is interested, contact the office and we will put you in touch with Vermont Hills staff.

Learning & Fellowship Opportunities
Members of all classes and groups are encouraged to continue reading and studying at home. Please contact your group
leader if you do not find a list or link below.


St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is proud to host a two-part Compassionate Community Retreat on Friday, October 14th from 6:30-9:15pm, and Saturday, October 15th from 10:00-3:30pm. We will explore the neuroscience of compassion and the power of recovering and strengthening our gifts, talents, and charisms through practicing authentic hospitality toward one another and skilled compassion for ourselves and others. We will build our resiliency to face suffering without losing ourselves in it, and how acceptance enables us to move forward beyond fear, heartbreak, and despair. All are welcome to join us as we enjoy periods of mindfulness, relaxation and quiet reflection, as well as playful collaboration, invigoration, and transcendent joy.


Our retreat facilitator is Eileen Mejia, a professor, inclusion consultant, retreat leader, improvisation trainer, and compassion ambassador who inspires authenticity and kindness. Through her retreats and workshops participants ask questions and puzzle out answers, enact curiosity and thoughtfulness, and grow beyond assumptions and preconceptions as they build on one another’s insights. We will work to re-frame mistakes as experiments, hold one another in unconditional positive regard, and unleash our talents and strengths. Generous, openhearted goodwill characterize Mejia’s workshops and retreats.


All participation styles are equally honored. Participants are never coerced out of their comfort zones. All are given agency over participation styles and choices. Diversity and inclusion are emphasized as this strengthens the collective talents and resources of us all. If you would like to participate let Pastor Sarah or Katy know ASAP. Please RSVP by October 10th.
Several St. Andrew's men meet on first and third Wednesdays at 7am, usually at Pastor Tom's house. New participants are welcome. For more information, please contact Larry Patterson or the church office. Virtual participation is available upon request.
The Anti-racism discussion group is reading the book, 'Caste: The Origins of our Discontents', by Isabel Wilkerson, that "examines the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and shows how our lives today are still defined by a hierarchy of human divisions." Our next meeting is Thursday, October 13th, at 6:00pm on Zoom, where we will discuss part two, and then we'll continue on the second Thursday of each month. Regulars and new-comers alike are invited to join us. Contact Pastor Sarah for more information.
Service Opportunities & Mission Updates
We know that there are many requests for basic needs assistance right now.  Please contact the Church Office Admin  or Mission Team Leader if you have questions or need help with drop-off or deliveries.  We hope that you find one or more opportunities that call to you, and please know that any amount of support is appreciated and makes a big difference!


Thank you to the 14 or more scouts and 10 St. Andrew’s members that helped get the parking lot ready for winter. Work included limbing up the trees in the south parking area, cleaning curbs, making Bill Underhill’s Eagle Scout bench visible again, improving the sight distance at the lower driveway and removing weeds sprouting in the pavement. We completely filled a trailer provided by the scouts. In all, about 50 hours of work ( and way more than 50 pounds removed) was completed. Thanks for all your help!
Thanks to the skills and generosity of Jeff Sweeney and Larry Patterson, the new cabinets in the chapel have been built and installed after delivery last week. These have been in the works for a long time, the result of the St. A's Mission Team visioning of how the chapel can be more effectively used as a community space dedicated to serving our neighbors. Stop by a take a look, and say a word of thanks and gratitude to those who helped make this happen. Stay tuned for updates of further living into this vision!


Saturday, September 24, 10:00-12:00; Mission Hub work party in the chapel

Saturday, October 1, 11:30-12:00; First Saturday donation drop-off

During stressed times, our monthly donations make a huge difference to our partners. As the Mission Team discerns the retooling of our Ziploc ministry, we ask for the following donation items that will continue to be distributed to our ministry partners during our process:

  • period products (especially sanitary pads)
  • diapers (especially larger sizes)
  • toilet paper
  • paper towels
  • disinfectant cleaner/wipes
  • NEW underwear
  • socks
  • travel toothbrushes/toothpaste
  • men’s protective eyewear
  • gently used or new backpacks
  • men's work gloves (with latex fingers/palms) Sizes L and XL
You can also sign up here to bake a casserole for West Women’s and Children’s Shelter.
Items can be dropped off at First Saturday Donation Drop-off, at anytime during office hours, or on Sundays. Contact Darwin if you have any questions.


Extend hospitality to strangers. Romans 12:13b

I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:35


We’ve been supporting Amir and Khatera through donations to the Afghan Refugee Fund and the efforts of the Hillsdale Afghan Refugee Team (HART, many members of which are also members of St. Andrews). Amir, who grew up working in his family’s welding business, has just started working for Fought & Co., which does major metal projects from its Tigard location. Thanks to Carolyn Gazeley for spotting the job opening! Khatera, who had recently suffered a severe bicycle accident when we first met her, is now walking well and has received needed dental care, thanks to the efforts of many taking her to appointments. She is now looking forward to getting back to work; she was a banker in Afghanistan. Both are now taking English classes at PCC. Thank you for your time, money, and prayers helping them on their resettlement journey.


Continued donations to help this family can be made to the Afghan Refugee Fund, via St. Andrew's, and should include your name and address, and whether you’re a member of St. Andrew’s. Questions? Ask Amy Houchen or Rebecca Nasson.
The St. Andrew's quilters meet on the second and third Wednesdays of each month at 9:30. Their beautiful creations are donated to organizations that provide warmth to those in need. All are welcome to join them! Contact Gail Planck for more information.
Virtual Gatherings & Events
Sunday, September 25 & October 2
9:00am Worship, Zoom & Facebook
(also in person)
Friday, September 23 & 30
10:00am Virtual Coffee Chat, Zoom
password if needed-coffee
Saturday, September 24
1:00pm Enneagram Discussion Group, Zoom
 Reminders & Ongoing News
People experiencing a mental health crisis have a new way to reach out for help in the U.S., by calling or texting the numbers 9-8-8. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. It will function much like 9-1-1, but is solely dedicated to addressing mental health needs. Click here for more information on this potentially lifesaving new program, and help spread the word.
Pastor Sarah is working on planning for a Confirmation retreat and experience in 2023. If you have a youngest in your life who is ready for confirmation, please let her know.  She will likely collaborate with some other colleagues in the presbytery so we have a bigger retreat experience.  At present a January retreat is being planned with several mentor check-ins over the next six months.  If you'd like to be a confirmation mentor, or learn more about this, please let her know.
There are still slots available to sign up for a tour of the new Neighborhood House Food Pantry. Dates are available in September and October. Click here for more information, or go to their Sign-Up Genius to schedule your tour.


We are grateful St. Andrew’s is now open for Sunday worship services and are anxious to reunite with friends, fellow members, and all who wish to be part of this. To help make this happen, some of our Deacons are starting a program to give rides to church to people who need them. If you would be interested in receiving this service, or know someone else who would, please let us know so we can get you on our list. If you would be interested in being a driver, please let us know that too. With enough volunteers people may only be needed once a month. Contact the office, Merrie Backer, or Larry Kelly to sign up, or if you have any questions.
Are you interested in becoming a member of St. Andrew's? Let Pastor Sarah know today! And keep your eyes posted for the next Inquirers' Class.
Member Database Access is available anytime. Contact the office to get set up.
 For on-line giving please visit:
Thank you for continuing to support the ministries of St. Andrew's through your online donations and checks sent by mail. 

Office: 503-246-4276 
Office hours 9:00am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday

Bookkeeper hours: 9:00am - 1:00pm, Monday - Wednesday

Click HERE to send an e-mail.

Click HERE to view the church calendar.

Click here to read current and past issues of the Cascades Connections, a publication of the Presbytery of the Cascades

The Rev. Dr. Sarah Sanderson-Doughty, Pastor and Head of Staff
Don Feely, Director of Music Ministry
Katy Rustvold, Office Administrator/Neighborhood Ministries Coordinator
Krissy Wilds, Bookkeeper
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